
Carta de una madre al Sr. Ministro Wert.
Querido ministro Wert:
Me presento, soy una de esas madres radicales extremistas y antisistema que mañana han decidido no llevar a sus hijos al colegio. Aunque usted piense que soy “contraria a la obligación que tienen los padres de procurar la mejor educación para sus hijos”, es precisamente mi preocupación ante la caída en barrena del sistema educativo de que forman parte mis pequeños lo que me impulsa a secundar la huelga convocada por la peligrosísima confederación de padres CEAPA.

Antes de seguir, reconozco que soy una privilegiada porque puedo permitirme dejar a mis hijos con alguien en casa mientras trabajo. Muchos padres no tienen esa posibilidad, lo que, siguiendo el silogismo de su jefe, Rajoy, sobre la “mayoría silenciosa que no se manifiesta”, significaría que todos los que lleven al colegio mañana a sus hijos están de acuerdo con los recortes -más de 5.000 millones de euros desde 2010- en un sector, el educativo, que debería estar especialmente protegido.
Pienso en familias de compañeros de David y Natalia en el colegio público de San Blas (Madrid) al que van, que no protestarán pese a haberse quedado sin becas de comedor o de libros. No se equivoque, señor Wert, no es que renuncien felizmente a ese importe en aras de un interés mayor, como es salvar a los bancos. Es que no pueden faltar a sus trabajos en la peluquería, la obra o limpiando casas. Puede que ni se hayan enterado de que se ha convocado una huelga. Pero todos se rascan el bolsillo para pagar los libros de texto, el dinero de la cooperativa para material escolar o las cada vez más escasas excursiones, que también son formativas. Puede que sea porque, después de todo, se preocupan por la educación de sus hijos.
Señor Wert, basta. Basta de tratarnos a los padres como a estúpidos con consejos como “reutilizar los libros” si no podemos pagarlos. Como si no se nos hubiera ocurrido. Como si siempre fuera posible. O con eufemismos como que “el número de alumnos por clase no aumenta, se flexibiliza”. Entonces, ¿por qué no lo flexibilizamos, pero a la baja? Ah, que no pasa nada, que según los estudios de la OCDE, solo se pierde eficacia en grupos de más de 45 o 50 alumnos, o sea que tenemos todavía mucho margen de flexibilidad.
Basta de recortar en profesorado. Basta de segregar a los que se quedan rezagados. Basta de fomentar la desigualdad reduciendo becas y subiendo tasas. Si realmente le interesa mejorar la competitividad de las futuras generaciones y sacarnos del primer puesto en fracaso escolar en Europa, recuerde que los sistemas educativos más exitosos en el informe Pisa tienen en común la calidad y formación de sus profesores y la intervención temprana para que ningún niño se quede atrás.
Basta de buscar titulares y crear polémicas. Basta de desunir y provocar en vez de buscar consensos. Basta de utilizar la educación de nuestros hijos como instrumento para imponer su ideología. Haga su trabajo, procure que el sistema educativo sea el mejor posible para todos, hasta para los que le critican. No es su futuro, señor Wert, el que está en juego. Es el nuestro.

La rage…

Keny Arkana holding a paper with the 35th article of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen from 1793:

“When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.”


Beautifully violent.

Arm yourself and be violent, beautifully violent, until everything explodes. Because remember that whatever violent action against these promoters of inequality, is entirely justified through centuries of infinite violence that we have been been subjected to by them… Arm yourself and combat the terrorism – burn, conspire, sabotage, and be violent, beautifully violent, naturally violent, willingly violent.

Mauricio Morales.


Enter title here.

The black flag represents the absence of a flag, and thus stands in opposition to the very notion of nation-states. In that light, the flag can be seen as a rejection of the concept of representation, or the idea that any person or institution can adequately represent a group of individuals.

The uniform blackness of the flag is in stark contrast to the colorful flags typical of most nation-states. Additionally, as a white flag is the universal symbol for surrender to superior force, the counter-opposite black flag would logically be a symbol of defiance and opposition to surrender.


Funny, isn’t it?

It’s funny how you can put so much trust into one person. Tell them everything about you. Your past, present, future, dreams; everything. And then they just completely ruin you. Maybe I’m the only one who this happens to, but it fucking sucks. Horribly. It completely ruins you. It makes you look at yourself, and other people differently. They say sweet things, talk you up, into feeling like the best person in the world. Put you in the best moods ever. But then they just throw you back down, like it never mattered at all. The complete worst part of this whole thing? You can’t hate them, no matter how hard you try.. You just can’t. And that sucks. You can’t forget them, or blame them, because even you would leave you, if given the chance.


No, false alarm, I’m still an idiot, never mind.

In life, you will have your heart broken more than once and it get’s harder every time. I know that that’s not what you want to hear but it’s true. You’ll break hearts too, so remember what it felt like to have yours broken. You’ll fight with your bestfriend and you’ll blame your new love for things the old one did. You’ll cry because time is passing by too fast and eventually you will loose someone, so just close your eyes and do whatever you want to. Do what you never thought you could do. Go after the person you love, don’t just sit there and wait for them to call you or to come back. Go after them because that’s what you should do when you love someone. Don’t wait for them to give you a sign, because it might never come. People usually say that they aren’t what you want but you know that they exactly who you want. If you love them, whoever they are, then what people think shouldn’t matter. If you’re happy and you’re proud it’s enough. Then one day, many years from now you can look back and you’ll be able to say that you have loved and lost rather than never loved at all.

Do you ever think something profound and you’re like whoa and then you say it out loud and you’re like “No, false alarm, I’m still an idiot, never mind.” This is what I’m thinking about right now.



Simply amazing. If you can’t respect this then you don’t know anything. The song talks about the poverty lived in Argentina seen from the viewpoint of a little girl named Victoria. It’s creepy, because of the simple fact that is real and current.

While some live, others struggle to survive.


How you fall doesn’t matter. It’s how you land.

“Have you heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down he kept saying: so far so good, so far so good, so far so good. But how you fall doesn’t matter, it’s how you land.”

One of my favourite film from France. It get’s better and better with each viewing. La Haine is bold, fearless, charismatic film-making at its best and a testament to excellence of French cinema. It holds a strong political message and keeps being important – 17 years later – it still remains a relevant film. La Haine is such a film. It’s absolutely fantastic, and you will not regret watching it. It’s ability to be so relevant to our times, particularly after all the riots is amazing. A beautiful, hilariously, frustrating film about falling, and and the harm that comes with landing. One of the best films I’ve ever seen.


Fucking Christians…

North Carolina Pastor calls for concentration camps for gays and execution by starvation:

I had to listen to this 3 times to get myself to believe what I was hearing.  I’ve done something I’ve only ever done once before.  I’ve taken the time to look for his “sermon.”

”…of our President getting up and saying that it was alright for two women to marry, or two men to marry.  I tell you right now I was disappointed bad. But I tell you right there as sorry as you can get, the Bible’s against it, God’s against it, I’m against it, and if you got any sense you’re against it. I had a way, I’ve figured a way out.  A way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers, but I couldn’t get it past the Congress.  Build a great big large fence, 150 or 100 miles long, put all the lesbians in there, fly over and drop some food.  Do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals. And have that fence electrified till they can’t get out.  Feed them.  And you know what?  In a few years they’ll die out. You know why?  They can’t reproduce. If a man ever has a young’en, praise god it will be the first.  All of these…  You can say amen, I’m going to preach the hell out of all of them.  Hey I’ll tell you right now, somebody say who you going to vote for?  I ain’t gonna vote for a baby killer and a homosexual lover. You said did you mean to say that?  You better believe I did.  God have mercy it makes me puking sick to think about…I don’t even know whether you ought to say this in the pulpit or not.  Can you imagine kissing some man? ”


This person, man of God, spiritual leader, pastor, actually stood in his pulpit and called for people to be put in internment camps and killed because of their sexuality.  I’ve heard a lot of homophobic propaganda lately with every group calling themselves “Family” something or the other going on the attack. The words of this pastor caused a chill to run over my body.  Maybe because I had a visual of my friends suffering and dying in prison camp, with electrified fences.  I know something like this would never happen (or perhaps i’m wrong), but the fact that his congregation felt so moved as to say “amen” makes me realize that there are those who would not be averse to such human suffering.

This is fucking reprehensible. I literally feel sick right now, having watched this.

It’s totally normal for religion to call for the murders of those who don’t follow their doctrine, but for someone to be this goddamned nonchalant about advocating for genocide makes my head fucking spin.

Fucking Christians.
